Here’s the evidence of God’s love manifested towards humanity, He sent Jesus Christ when he should not have. Just because we were created does not mean we can obligate God as the Creator to do everything for us. Looking back, He placed Adam and Eve in a Garden and provided everything they need to live. But they disobeyed Him. While God provided everything for them they returned the favor the opposite way. But in spite of their disobedience, our Creator did everything in order to provide humanity an opportunity to return to Him. Ever since that fateful day in the Garden of Eden, God has been waiting for the right moment to fulfill His promise he gave to Adam and Eve. Thus, when the right time came, the greatest love story ever told was fulfilled not just in words but in Jesus’ coming on earth from heaven. It was the fulfillment of what God foretold after Adam and Eve sinned through disobeying God’s command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil at the Garden of Eden. God patiently waited for the right time and generation to send Jesus to fulfill His promise to Adam and Eve. Why? It was because God could not bear to lose the crown jewel of His creation; fashioned by His own hands while others were created only through His words. And though He could have forsaken man because of its offense against Him and leave them to its consequences, He could not. But instead, He continuously provided many ways and means for man to reach Him using willing vessels to speak His heart. Sin has destroyed the relationship between God and man but God did not give up while man continued its destructive sinful path. Yet, there were those who called on God and received His grace and mercy but the majority just ignored God and went their own way.
This is the wonder of God’s love: just as any parent would do everything for their child, God goes beyond and exerted over and above to prove man’s eternal value. Each and every day, God’s faithfulness is revealed as the sun rises and sets consistently. God’s love towards humanity never ceased. As Lamentations 3:22-23 states, “Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (NIV) What more should God do to prove His love towards humanity when He sent His only Son Jesus to die in our behalf. Moreover, he died while we were yet sinners because we cannot come to the ideal place of being righteous thus God did what He can to open the door of opportunity for us to experience first-hand the wonder of God’s love in our lives.
That’s why, if and when somebody asked how God loves us so, just show them that Jesus Christ stretched out His two hands and aligned His feet and was nailed to the cross to prove His love for us. Many have died as a martyr for their country but would not willingly die for a sinner. Jesus did not die for good people but for sinners like us. And this is the wonder of God’s love towards us. It is unfathomable and mind-boggling to think that Jesus would do such a thing. Yet again, this is the wonder of God’s love.
In all of these things, we need to reflect our way of showing our love for God in how we live our life daily. God’s love produces forgiveness, regeneration of life, sanctification and many others that causes us to reproduce the effect of His love towards others we meet. Bear in mind that the manifestation of God’s love was not without any sacrifice and Jesus became the reality of God’s love. Therefore when we receive Jesus in our life as our Lord and Savior, we unconditionally accept God’s love through His one and only begotten Son.
In all of these things, we need to reflect our way of showing our love for God in how we live our life daily. God’s love produces forgiveness, regeneration of life, sanctification and many others that causes us to reproduce the effect of His love towards others we meet. Bear in mind that the manifestation of God’s love was not without any sacrifice and Jesus became the reality of God’s love. Therefore when we receive Jesus in our life as our Lord and Savior, we unconditionally accept God’s love through His one and only begotten Son.
Let’s talk again!