Today's headline: “JRAM is on the move in its third year towards another breakthrough.”
Two recently concluded events solidified the leadership’s intent on seeing the next generation contributing towards the Great Commission mandate of JRAM. Last July, there were thirty-nine individuals that joined the Mission Adventures of Youth With A Mission – Vancouver. The majority of the delegates were young people from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Greater Vancouver that saw first-hand the plight of the poor in the Downtown Eastside. During their stay for a week, they were exposed to various experiences and encounters geared to enlighten them from where they are to where God wants them to be. Overall, they all left changed with a new perspective of God’s heart for the city. Their individual testimonies proved how God moves men and women, young and old towards His purpose and plan for the city and nations. Indeed, Acts 1:8 became a reality in this day and age for JRAM. They have accepted the burden of sharing the Gospel and to see its power manifested in the lives of many people.

These two events became intertwined in its objective to impact the lives of young people to become spiritually minded and mission-minded believers. Although both activities were vastly different from one another yet the result aligned according to JRAM Mission and Vision. Securing the next generation of leaders was a top priority for JRAM today and tomorrow. Indeed, we are making it happen now. Thus, everyone is part of this dream to see the young people arising to seize their destiny and fulfill their fullest potential. Hearing them remarked that JRAM has a bright future was music to our ears. Praise the Lord for what He will do through JRAM using these young people today and tomorrow.
What’s next? There are specific action plans in place that the youth delegates entered into as part of their accountability process. Everything hinges on these action plans and everyone’s excited to see them at work. The idea is simple that is to have an intergenerational church with an intergenerational leadership represented at all levels. There is an anticipation of greater things at play with God’s favor front and center. JRAM would not want to miss these opportunities as the next generation clearly saw their value in God’s Kingdom. They took the challenge with eyes wide open to the possibilities and step into their field of battle with courage like King David in facing Goliath. Most importantly, their willingness to participate in the life of the church showed what God could do when His Spirit moves mightily. JRAM Church, we need to work with them and, as a result, witness the raising up of the next generation of leaders in God’s Kingdom and in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. H.A. Ironside (1876-1951), a Canadian-American Bible teacher, preacher, theologian, pastor, and author, eloquently described how God qualifies men and women for His work,
God is not looking for brilliant men, is not depending upon eloquent men, is not shut up to the use of talented men in sending His Gospel out in the world. God is looking for broken men, for men who have judged themselves in the light of the Cross of Christ. When He wants anything done, He takes up men who have come to an end of themselves, and whose trust and confidence is not in themselves but in God.