Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Increased Knowledge with Enriched Experience: 2013 Washington Conference

JRAM delegates
with Pastor Arnel Aquino
in front of the Cannon House
@ Capitol Hill
Recently, there were a number of JRAM leaders from Calgary and British Columbia who’ve participated in the 2013 Washington Conference and Leader’s Summit with Israel Allies Caucus Foundation in Washington, DC last November 14, 2013. The invitation to attend was sent by Knesset Christian Allies Caucus through its Director, Josh Reinstein. According to the email sent to me, “The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus has been working hard to mobilize political support for Israel through faith-based diplomacy. The culmination of that work will be centered around a summit that we will be holding in Washington on November 14. At this summit we will gather dozens of Congressman, Members of Knesset and Bible- believing politicians from around the world. The centerpiece of the Summit will be a Gala dinner where we will make the point that the Christian leadership is behind Israel. Our plan is to have 50 tables full with pastors, Christian businessmen and Christian leaders from across America.” 
Inside Cannon House during Summit

In addition, one of the major reasons for JRAM’s participation is a simple reminder that Christianity owes a debt of gratitude to Israel, as our Savior Jesus Christ, a Jew Himself begun this movement that we are part of. This is the least that we can do for His people, i.e., to show our unwavering support through education of our church leaders and congregation towards Israel and its role in our Christian life. Furthermore, we adhere faithfully and believe in the promise that God gave Abraham in Genesis12: 2-3 about Israel, “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

When I received this invitation, I immediately sent an email to all JRAM Pastors and Coordinators with the following objectives for attending this event:
1. To maintain friendship with Israel through Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and support its objective for Israel's concern. 
2. To connect with key leaders in the greater Body of Christ coinciding with support towards Israel.
3. To align JRAM with like-minded organizations and the Body of Christ in openly declaring support for Israel. 

Taken during
2013 Washington Conference
Gala Dinner
JRAM delegates with Pastor Giulio Gabeli
and other Canadian delegates
I am happy to report that we have fulfilled each objective that we have set out to do in this ministry trip. Attaining new knowledge and understanding of the value of Israel to our Christian life is essential to discovering God’s purpose and plan for humanity and it is when we begin to immerse ourselves with this awareness that the biblical knowledge becomes a reality for us today. Nobody can deny that Israel’s presence is intertwined with Christianity’s ideals.

Attendees of the Gala Dinner
Jesus Rock of Ages Ministries (JRAM) is proud to become one of Israel’s partner in fulfilling God’s plan and purpose in sharing His message to many people that He is a God of miracle and wonder, as Israel’s existence in modern times is a witness of it. Overall, the ministry trip was worth it and looking forward to a time that JRAM can organize an educational tour to visit Israel and individually experience the Holy Bible comes alive. This is something we need to prepare for and look forward to. Thanks to JRAM Churches that participated by sending the Pastors and Coordinators and the opportunity to represent JRAM. Lastly, I speak for all delegates when I say this: we were blessed by the experience and learned a lot
from it.