Tuesday, June 4, 2013

JRAM BC’s “Amateur Battle of the Bands and Dance Off”

On an ordinary Saturday afternoon, JRAM Churches in BC hosted its first “Amateur Battle of the Bands and Dance Fest.” It was an exhilarating time as you can feel the participant’s mixed emotions before their turn. There were six (6) bands and five (5) dance groups from JRAM Churches in BC vying to be the best in winning the no.1 spot. It will not be an easy time for everyone who came ready to be the best.

This year’s event was participated by the following churches:
1.     JRAM Vancouver: Band and Dance Squad
2.     JRAM Burnaby: Dance Squad
3.     JRAM North Vancouver: Band
4.     JRAM Abbotsford: Band and Dance Squad
5.     JRAM Richmond: Band and Dance Squad
6.     JRAM New Westminster: Band and Dance Squad
7.     JRAM Surrey: Band and Dance Squad

Four judges were invited as part of the event assigned with a huge task to provide their final judgment on this year’s event. Seeing how it turned out for everyone, I believed that they did not have an easy assignment, either. The atmosphere on the floor was equally electrifying that is equal or more than what is happening on the stage. People were cheering loudly for their team church and fully supportive of all that were performing on the stage. It was a great night indeed for all who came and witnessed a showcase of talent by God’s people from JRAM Churches participating.

After all is said and done, the verdict came with much suspense and anticipation. Everyone has their fingers crossed while each member of the bands and dance squads are waiting with thrill for the announcement of this year’s winners. Altogether, everyone did their best and shared their talent for God’s glory alone and all of them deserve huge congratulations for the success of this year’s event. It was all worth it and the most important aspect of all in this event, i.e., all had fun in doing it, thus, whether you won or not, the effort was duly noted, recognized and showcased for all to see and enjoy.

Listed below is the category of awards that were given and listed as follows:
Individual Category:
1.     Best Keyboardist: Christian Realina (JRAM Surrey)
2.     Best Drummer: Alyssa Navo (JRAM Surrey) 
3.     Best Bassist: Reymark Domingo (JRAM Vancouver)
4.     Best Guitarist: Kenny Anday (JRAM Vancouver)
Band Category:
1.     1st: His Direction (JRAM Surrey)
2.     2nd: Zamaritans (JRAM Richmond)
3.     3rd: Paradox of Grace (JRAM New Westminster)
Dance Squad category:
1.     1st: Zamaritans (JRAM Richmond)
2.     2nd: West Crew Redeemed (JRAM New Westminster)
3.     3rd: His Direction (JRAM Surrey)

In all of what we have said and done, let’s bring home some important lessons to better improve ourselves in this arena. What was learned and taught? But most importantly, winning the award is good but when you know that you have done best, gave your all and did all to the best of your knowledge and ability, remember that you have personally won a prize. Though it may not be the prize that the event gave, you have rewarded yourself with a greater prize of personal achievement. It is also summarized in these words:

The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give.” ~Howard Cosell